Sometimes the planets line up, a japanese whaling boat hits an iceberg and all is right with the world. That's how I felt when the new pannels for Audrey started turning up, I was like a kid in a candy store but with less acne and a lower propensity for childhood obesity...
The first package was floors from USA, then sills from the UK; 'because it was far cheaper' I interject pre-empting your first question as to why I didn't order everything from the same manufacturer. I laid them out all nicely imagining a perfect fit a'la Elizabeth Hurley and the dress with the safetypins, alas as you may have worked out, this may possibly be one of the unluckiest builds of all time...
When we started cutting into the original (and I use that term loosely) floors, they seemed to resemble a club sandwich about 4 layers thick. Imagine if you will a sandwich where the bread is made of rusty metal the filling, rustly metal, served on a plate made of rusty metal . In order to remove all of the rust I was given an angle grinder a beer and a wide berth, the next day we had two halves of a 356 joined by a transmission tunnel. Mr Wibble set about welding a frame to keep it square...
Then we started cutting the guards...
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